Product Details
CDI 5200-SRD Summing Remote Display
The CDI 5200-SRD summing remote display provides a convenient way to monitor daily or cumulative air usage by a machine, process, or department. Alternatively, it can be used as a remote display for a meter in a high or inconspicuous location. When installing the display, the user selects the display mode and units of measure and labels the unit accordingly.
Display Modes
- In the RATE mode, the unit simply repeats the output, in scfm, of the connected CDI 5000-series or 6000- series flowmeter.
- The DAILY USAGE mode displays the usage in mscf (thousands of standard cubic feet) or mcm (thousands of standard cubic meters) during the most recent full 24-hour recording period.
- In the CUMULATIVE USAGE mode, the display shows the total air usage in mscf or mcm. After reaching 9999, it rolls over to 0. It can be used to track monthly air usage and allocate utility costs.